جدیدترین فایل ها

Die Fett verarbeitenden Industrien: Dritter Band

Die Fett verarbeitenden Industrien: Dritter Band

Gustav Hefter (auth.), Gustav Hefter (eds.) ...

30,000 تومان

Introductory Attitude Dynamics

Introductory Attitude Dynamics

F. P. J. Rimrott (auth.) ...

30,000 تومان

The Prehistory of the Theory of Distributions

The Prehistory of the Theory of Distributions

Jesper Lützen (auth.) ...

30,000 تومان

Strategy for R&D: Studies in the Microeconomics of Development

Strategy for R&D: Studies in the Microeconomics of Development

Thomas Marschak, Thomas K. Glennan Jr., Robert Summers (auth.) ...

30,000 تومان

Flavor Mixing in Weak Interactions

Flavor Mixing in Weak Interactions

Ling-Lie Chau (auth.), Ling-Lie Chau (eds.) ...

30,000 تومان

Advances in X-Ray Analysis: Volume 9 Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Conference on Applications of X-Ray Analysis Held August 25–27, 1965

Advances in X-Ray Analysis: Volume 9 Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Conference on Applications of X-Ray Analysis Held August 25–27, 1965

F. W. Young Jr., T. O. Baldwin, A. E. Merlini, F. A. Sherrill (auth.), Gavin R. Mallett, Marie J. Fay, William M. Mueller (eds.) ...

30,000 تومان

Ferroelectric Materials and Ferroelectricity

Ferroelectric Materials and Ferroelectricity

T. F. Connolly, Errett Turner (auth.), T. F. Connolly, Errett Turner (eds.) ...

30,000 تومان

Advances in Molecular Genetics of Plant-Microbe Interactions: Vol. 3 Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interac

Advances in Molecular Genetics of Plant-Microbe Interactions: Vol. 3 Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interac

Eugene W. Nester (auth.), Michael J. Daniels, J. Allan Downie, Anne E. Osbourn (eds.) ...

30,000 تومان

The Physiology of the Locust Ear (I-III)

The Physiology of the Locust Ear (I-III)

Axel Michelsen (auth.) ...

30,000 تومان

Hypertrophic Ecosystems: S.I.L. Workshop on Hypertrophic Ecosystems held at Vaxjo, September 10–14, 1979

Hypertrophic Ecosystems: S.I.L. Workshop on Hypertrophic Ecosystems held at Vaxjo, September 10–14, 1979

M. A. Chapman (auth.), Dr. Jan Barica, Dr. Luuc R. Mur (eds.) ...

30,000 تومان

Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Phosphorus in Sediments

Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Phosphorus in Sediments

Lewis E. Fox (auth.), P. C. M. Boers, Th. E. Cappenberg, W. van Raaphorst (eds.) ...

30,000 تومان